A Bathroom for Wallace Stevens

by Phil Davey

On the double-deep folds
of the emerald towel

on the white-lacquered seat
of the four-legged stool

at an easy reach
from the cool enamel

“Phenomenology of Spirit”
by Hegel

The room seems vacant
the mirror has been cleaned

Halos (halogens)
gleam from the ceiling

A bass-toned fan
hums wisps of steam

above the shower’s
translucent screening

What on earth
is this world’s meaning?

Hieratic mutters
swerve in their word-paths

off track by miles

Caught short by gravity
the cistern splutters

A leaf of two-ply
flutters to the tiles



Phil Davey has dual British and New Zealand citizenship. His poems have been published in a number of magazines, including Oxford Poetry NowPoetry London/Apple Magazine and Illuminations. He has an MA in Creative Writing from the University of New Brunswick in Canada. After a number of years in Oxford, Trieste, London, Milan and Brussels, he now lives with his wife Chiara in Varese in the north of Italy. 


A Bad Rap For Thetis


Bicycle Arpeggios