Personal Creed

by Jabez Churchill

I believe in both Gods,
El Papacito and La Mamacita,
the Father and the Holy Mother,
and in their Sons and Daughters,
nameless in the rattle of the rest,
begotten as leaves, as light,
being of the same substance,
seen and unseen,
with which all things must flutter.
I believe we are incarnate
with the same photosynthetic Spirit,
without judgement, without exception,
all destined to fly.
I don’t believe that any gospel,
flock of metaphors,
their wings clipped,
comes close enough to Creation
that we should criticize,
less condemn another,
leaves of different colors,
nor should it relieve us
of our personal responsibility
to blossom,
delight in the wind.



Born in California, Jabez Churchill was educated both there and in Argentina. He’s been practicing Civil Disobedience since 1969. A mariner and single dad, he is currently teaching Modern Languages at Santa Rosa and Mendocino Colleges. Working with California Poets in the Public Schools, he’s been teaching poetry to young adults and at-risk youth since 1998. Churchill is currently Poet Laureate of Ukiah. 


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